Thursday, February 14, 2008

Announcement, Changes and Greetings from Morrise

Salut my dear friends and readers!!!! Beso and Hugs!

I have some few things to say so make sure you are all ears!

ANNOUNCEMENT! Servicio Publico (Charos!)

I will be launching a contest here in my blog! And unlike some contests that you have sent millions of letters to (I know, don't be shy) there will be prizes!!!!!!! Prizes like cans of sardines, soy sauce, fish sauce, 1 sack of rice, 1 night free stay at 20 star rating Hotel Kiribati (if 20 star rating exists) and the grand prize of free tickets to see Heath Ledger in person (go figure)! Just kidding! Ultimately, the prize will be some sorta kinda $$$. You like??? SO KEEP VISITING MY BLOG for the contest announcement!!!


Due to popular demand, my blog entries will now be written in TAGLISH (Tagalog-English). Why? Because my nose has never stopped bleeding since I started writing this blog in ENGLISH. Nose bleed! Charos! No, because our Tagalog language is fun, sexy and bastos! hahahahaha. Also, so that I can make a mockery of my foreign readers! Hahahaha... Kiddin... Not to frown my dearest International readers, I will create a link that will allow you to translate my blogs in English or even other languages.


My very warm hello to all my readers in Dubai and the people in Middle East. Specially to Pam (a.k.a. the queen of Langis! Oil in english! hahaha) and her friendships hahahaha. Thanks for patronizing my blogs! Kayo naman, wag na kayo mahiya mag comment! Go lang kayo at sexpress yourself! Masama kinikimkim ang tuwa at tawa, alam nyo ang nangyayari pag ganon!

I would also like to say Mabuhay to my readers from the Seven Thousand one hundred seven islands of the Filipins! Marami akong mga ichi-chika sa inyo!

To my friends in the Lion City SINGAPORE! OK lah! Wala lang! Sabi nga ni Poohquiao, kung asan man kyo, jan na lang kayo! hahahahaha See you soon!

To my swiss reader: you are great!

And to those who read my blog from all over the world, my warm HUGS. Leave your footprint and don't be scared to leave comments...


